To stalk on them while licking salt/drinking water, you have to stay still on the ground & pretend to be part of the surroundings with your camera close to the subjects....
It has the shape of Rajah Brooke specie but it's actually a Papilionidae sp., the bright yellow bottom wings are a great display of colour. When resting, they are great subjects to shoot!
Pieridae sp. - this one doesn't seem to be like the others who would just settle & stop fluttering. Despite many attempts, I could not get a good shot of this peekaboo butterfly. I will try again today.
Aren't they beautiful? This was taken after a panic battery-drain, that caused me to drop to my knees, rummage my bag for the spares, fumble to replace & get up to find it still perched on the flower!
Atacus atlas - The Atlas Moth in captivity to prevent poachers (yes, even in Butterfly Farm there are thiefs who steal butterflies!) Note the cocoons at the back of the cabinet!
Someone's concoction of love - the organ itself! I can't remember when I laughed so hard as this person doctored my breakfast & butchered my pancake to add as 'bush'........