Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Asthenosoma ijimai (sea urchin) - Mataking, Sabah. This must be the most beautiful (& deadly) sea urchin I've ever seen.

The Tonal Feathers - Mataking, Sabah

Friday, July 28, 2006

Happy Birthday, Stephanie! May God grant you all the desires of your heart on this special day!

Samurai Orchid, Laman 2006

Screaming Orchid is what I call this, hands flailing & tongue sticking out.....Orchid Garden, Laman 2006

Orchids are so nice.....Laman 2006

Dragonfly & there & I finally got it here & plop! I tipped over! Laman 2006

I got my favourite tea from this plantation! Cameron Highlands

Wishing my orchids would bloom in this manner, Cameron Highlands Posted by Picasa

Freaky flower getting freaky after blooming, Cameron Highlands Posted by Picasa

Balance of a freaky flower after its petals has dropped, Cameron Highlands

Bud of freaky flower, Cameron Highlands

Hibiscus, very big hibiscus, Cameron Highlands

Stigma & Stamen, Cameron Highlands

My Batman Orchid...., Cameron Highlands

Begonias, Cameron Highlands

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hibiscus, Cameron Highlands

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The White Flower, Cameron Highlands

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Bug on a Flower

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Monday, July 17, 2006

Still Buzzing, Laman 2006

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Buzz Buzz, Laman 2006

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Dragonfly on trunk of plant, Laman 2006

Cricket on leaf, Laman 2006

Moth on Lantana, Laman 2006

Sunday, July 16, 2006

The three shoots of cactus' flower in the same nursery, Cameron Highlands

Upon venturing into a nursery, I found Mickey & Minnie growing in one of the pots...! Cameron Highlands.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The eggs that the moth laid on my Pammobile....

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Turtlettes in a tub!

A Sea Hare (Aplysia sp.) - neuroscientists favourite subject. It's neurons are as big as 1mm & it has learning capabilities & remembers things as well! Cool beans!!!