Target Practice
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- Cricket on leaf, Laman 2006
- Moth on Lantana, Laman 2006
- The three shoots of cactus' flower in the same nur...
- Upon venturing into a nursery, I found Mickey & Mi...
- The eggs that the moth laid on my Pammobile....
- Turtlettes in a tub!
- A Sea Hare (Aplysia sp.) - neuroscientists favouri...
- ....when it gets agitated by a gentle blow, it flu...
- Imagine encountering Batman in disguise....this wa...
- And the bird's eye view....
Monday, July 17, 2006
am glad u finally can tell the difference between a bee and a bug. woo hoo!
very well taken too.
Ermmm isnt a bee a bug also?
Hey you got Jiminny cricket also, now when did you take that.
aaaaa...olympus dslr lehh? :D
yep...and a peacock is a bird. (snigger!)
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